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Abdul Qadeer Rasooli, Selçuk University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey
Atul Sharma, Asstt Professor, IPEM group of Institutions, India
Mehr Ali Qasimi, Selçuk University Institute of Science and Technology, Bilişim Technologjılerı Mühendisliği, Konya, Türkiye
Mohammad Salim Hamidi, Vice Chancellor Jahan University, Kabul, Afghanistan
Onur Inan, Selçuk University, Institute of Science, Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey
Sema servi, Selçuk University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering
Yousuf Hotak, Dean, Jahan University, Kabul, Afghanistan
Atul Sharma, Asstt Professor, IPEM group of Institutions, India
Mehr Ali Qasimi, Selçuk University Institute of Science and Technology, Bilişim Technologjılerı Mühendisliği, Konya, Türkiye
Mohammad Salim Hamidi, Vice Chancellor Jahan University, Kabul, Afghanistan
Onur Inan, Selçuk University, Institute of Science, Department of Computer Engineering, Turkey
Sema servi, Selçuk University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering
Yousuf Hotak, Dean, Jahan University, Kabul, Afghanistan